About Elizabeth Soto

Elizabeth V. Soto, CFP®

Wealth Advisor and Founder


“Ever since I can remember, I have known that having financial resources meant having access to opportunity,” says Elizabeth Soto about her early insights into financial wellness. A third generation entrepreneur, she is driven by the urgent need for independence that is characteristic of so many business owners.

Unfortunately, no one could have made the case for financial independence more eloquently than life itself. The tragic loss of her husband left Elizabeth a 33 year-old widow with two children to support. Though the family had some resources, for Elizabeth, it was a wake-up call to dedicate her life to developing financial well-being for her family and for her clients.

Ms. Soto began her financial services career in 1987 and obtained the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™  designation in 2000. Today, she operates a thriving business in Houston serving the comprehensive financial planning needs of retirees, including doctors, business owners, and Latin American entrepreneurs living in the U.S. “I have carved a niche that makes sense for me,” says Elizabeth. “People are looking for a financial planner with my credentials, experience, business focus, and cultural background,” she adds.

Companies that offer 401(k) retirement plans are especially well served by Elizabeth's proficient explanations of why basic financial literacy is a cornerstone of a viable retirement plan.

Elizabeth feels that her work is perfectly suited to her personal mission of serving others. Outside of work, she is a yoga enthusiast and remains dedicated to staying emotionally, intellectually and physically fit. Elizabeth enjoys preparing healthy food for friends and family, gardening, reading, traveling, and nurturing her personal relationships. “I try to live my life in gratitude in order to experience the true joy of all the blessings that surround me every day,” she says.

Elizabeth lives in Clear Lake, has a BA in Humanities from the University of Houston, and is a member of the Financial Planning Association. She has two children, Benjamin and Natalie, who are in college and stays active in the community in support of families affected by alcoholism related dysfunction.

She has been quoted in local and national publications such as The Houston Business Journal, Texas Monthly, and The Wall Street Journal. She is an instructor for Rice University's CFP program. She has also appeared on Univision and PBS' Latina Voices.